The School Of Plant Nutrition

The School of Plant Nutrition offers its Health Educator Certification in both Live programs around the world as well as an Online Format. For more information and to register for our Online Health Educator Certification. The experience and knowledge gained in this training will provide the foundation and power behind your ability to heal yourself, be teachers and leaders in the field of Wellness and Nutrition.

The School of Plant Nutrition is dedicated to awareness and education related to the many benefits to adopting a plant-based way of eating🌱 Offering educational programs and retreats designed to foster personal growth and self-transformation🌟 we strive to help everyone realize wellbeing in every dimension of life🚶‍♀️ The School of Plant Nutrition offers Certifications and Culinary Arts Programs for future Health Coaches and Healing Arts Professionals💚

Our Intensive Plant Food Educational Programs and Certifications are designed for students of all levels who want to improve their life and the lives of those around them✨

 Intension is everything for a health educator.

And intention doesn’t come from how much you know. Intention comes from unconditional love and no-judgment. Your intention is to give them knowledge and allow them to do whatever they want with that knowledge.

Ultimately your intention is their intention.