Where exactly is Finca Bienestar Located?

Medellin Wellness Center at Finca Bienestar is located just 45 minutes from Rio Negro International Airport and less than one hour from the city of Medellin.

How do I arrive to Finca Bienestar?

Transportation to and from the Finca is included in the package price. All guests arriving to Finca Bienestar must arrange transportation with our authorized transportation company through our admissions office. 

What is a day like at Medellin Wellness Center?

A  Day at Finca Bienestar Medellin Wellness Center:

0630 Guided Meditation

0700  Juice and Lemon Water

0800  Fred Busch Style Yoga Class for all Levels

0930 Meditation or Hike

1000 Breakfast

1100 Rest or Curriculum Study 

1200 Lunch

1300 Rest or Curriculum Study

1500 Hike to River and Springs 

1600 Restorative Yoga Class

1730 Juices, Shower and Study 

1830 Dinner

1930 Evening Program – Movie or Lecture

2100 Sleep or Study until sleep

What is the Medellin Protocol?

The Medellin Protocol is a system which applies 5 Fundamental Factors that promote health and wellness.  When these 5 Fundamental Factors are followed by a person who is experiencing symptoms of illness many such symptoms can me minimized or eliminated.

Factor 1 – Exercise

t is very difficult for a body that is not more or less active to be restored to good health. Therefore a daily gentle exercise program is incorporated into everyone’s protocol at Medellin Wellness Center. This may also assist the development of will power and will serve as the foundation moving lymph mechanically.

Factor 2 – Diet

We are what we eat is a common cliche but it does express a simple truth based on a very simple and unavoidable fact.  Our bodies, including our brain, are constructed by the materials we are consuming. Our body converts whatever materials we provide into our human bodies.  Only when we provide our bodies with food aligned to our anatomy that promote health can we expect our bodies to have the strength and capacity to heal and stay healthy.

Factor 3 – The Mind – Attitude and Awareness

While it is true that ‘we are what we eat’ it is also true that ‘we are what we think’.   It is not an overstatement to suggest that every single thought we think represents either healing or poisoning of the body.  As we learn to achieve through meditation greater control and awareness over our minds we can begin dissolve patterns of self destructive thought we can replace them with more positive and constructive ways of thinking.

Factor 4 –  Rest

As much as the body needs exercise the body also needs rest. People who are chronically fatigued because of inadequate sleep are more susceptible due to compromised immune systems.

Factor 5 – Living Organically

Awareness of the dangers of being exposed to environmental poisons and being educated about the toxins contained in consumer products is vital to minimizing your exposure to such health damaging conditions.

Why come to Finca Bienestar and Medellin Wellness?

Students may visit the Medellin Wellness for several important reasons. Students may come for study, for relaxation, or for healing. Because these objectives are integrated all guests are considered students and all guests will learn about the keys to wellness as well as meditation and how to practice relaxation as a means for healing.

What is MSNH?

MSNH is Medically Supervised Natural Healing and is a system developed by Fred Busch that utilizes medical supervision to provide support to students applying the Dr. Morse’s Detox System and the Medellin Protocol for natural healing.   Oftentimes when a person changes their diet and begins to detoxify symptoms may emerge Our team of enlightened nursing staff are available to supervise and to ensure that students understand that even though symptoms may occur they are part of the restorative process leading to health or healing. 

Is Medellin Wellness Center associated financially with Dr. Morse’s Clinic?

No. Fred Busch is a student of Dr. Robert Morse and considers him a true master. Fred built Finca Bienestar as a place to host guests healing with Dr. Morse’s system without ever mentioning the project to Dr. Morse. As the Medellin Wellness Center prepared to open Fred contacted the Dr. Morse Clinic to offer his wellness center as a potential location for clients of the Detox Specialist Counselors. Fred was told that at present the Dr. Morse clinic had no place to refer their clients to go for healing and it was agreed that Finca Bienestar would be just such an official location.

Is there too much sugar in Fruit?  Does not sugar feed cancer?

There seems to be a pervasive myth about sugar and a misunderstanding that all sugars are equal and that ‘sugar feeds cancer.’   The fact is that fructose as found in fruit is the primary fuel for human cells and eating lots of fruit is the best way to keep our cells healthy and energized.  Sugars found in raw fruit are called fructose and the human body uses as its primary fuel for every cell in our body.

Does Finca Bienestar and Medellin Wellness Center accept Medical Insurance?

At present we are unable to accept most medical insurance policy payments. Some insurance policies have mechanisms for reimbursement to customers for undergoing certain non-invasive programs such as ours but this needs to be researched individually by our students.