Benefits of Light Exercise

The Many and Multidimensional Benefits of Light Exercise

The simple truth is that a person who exercises regularly will be healthier than a person who does not. Exercise performed regularly offers protective powers that helps a person prevent early degeneration and disease. 

Immune System – Exercise stimulates the body’s circulation of the blood and lymph allowing the immune system to effectively perform its function of fighting disease.

The Mind – Because the mind/body connection is so powerful, a body that is not stimulated by exercise will result in a mind that is more susceptible to anxiety and depression. The mind and the body are not two and to imagine that a person can have mental health without physical health is wishful thinking. 

Circulation – Blood flow is what carries oxygen around the body and when we exercise blood is flowing faster and under greater pressure which means oxygen and nutrients are being delivered to the deeper regions.  Stagnation of blood flow from a sedentary lifestyle can result in disease from edema to blood clots. The body is made for activity and the circulation of the fluids of the body is based on movement based physics.

Lymphatic System – The Lymphatic System operates more efficiently as a result of regular exercise. Lymph fluids house the immune system and contain disease fighting white blood cells. Lymph fluid is primarily responsible for the removal of waste from the system. In the same way that we would not want our sewage pipes and drainage lines to be blocked, similarly in the body lack of exercise creates dehydration and stagnation of the lymph which can lead to acid buildup and degenerative disease conditions. 

Muscular System –  Despite popular belief muscular strength does not come from eating protein. Your body can not become strong by eating. Only exercise can create and maintain muscular strength.  Muscles are living cells that respond to stress and when challenged by exercise they respond by growing larger and stronger. The old wisdom of ‘use it or lose it’ applies to muscular strength as anybody who has experienced muscle atrophy from prolonged inactivity can attest.

Bone Density– Like muscles, bone operate on a ‘use it lose it’ basis.  When we stop putting stress on the bones through exercise our bones will naturally lose their density.  It is not so much a function of aging as many wish to believe but rather a function of time passing without demanding anything from the bones. Osteoporosis is not caused by a lack of dairy in the diet.  Calcium from dairy is not used because the body is too busy trying to neutralize the acidic effect on the blood.  Actually dairy consumption is a main cause of osteoporosis which is never found in cultures where adults do not consume dairy.

Sleep -Most people don’t seem to realize that it is important to make the body physically tired each day in order to sleep well.  Exercise is critical to creating an environment where the body craves sleep which results in healthy sleep patterns and sound sleep.

Increased Gratitude – Exercise gives us gratitude for what we have and what we can do.  Many people live in bodies that are unable to do many different types of exercise and being able to walk or do yoga or swim or bike is a great blessing and must remain at the forefront of your attitude.

Make it a lifestyle! Regular exercise must be included in your daily regime and should be enjoyable. It is extremely difficult to doing something that you don’t like doing. Exercise is not a punishment!