Why is Fruit the key component of the healing diet of Dr. Morse’s system and The Medellin Protocol?

Fruit is by far the most powerful food for helping the human body to regain and maintain good health. Although the human body is a potent self-healing organism it can can only function at maximum efficiency when certain conditions are met.

As primates humans share digestive anatomy with the Great Apes which means we are designed to eat similarly.  Great apes in nature eat almost 100% fruits and leaves and herbs. Most primates also end up eating insect larvae that are inside most fruits. 

So because we are primates it is almost magical what can happen when we return to our natural dietary.  All manner of degenerative diseases reverse themselves upon the application of a fruit only dietary protocol. 

Fruit contains energy. Fruit contains an electromagnetic energy referred to as Chi or Prana and is more responsible for feeding our bodies than the kingdom of vitamins or minerals.  This electromagnetic energy in fruit is transferred to our bodies so when we eat fruit we feel a surge of natural of surge of natural energy.  

Also, although fruit is easy to digest and has more energy/calories than it requires to digest, many protein foods are so to digest and more vital energy is spent trying to break it down than the food has in the first place.  This creates a net energetic drain on the organism and many people experience this deficit everyday as being tired or mentally fatigued.

Fruit is a superfood.  All fruits are a superfood not just the ones that have been well marketed.  Fruits are superfoods because they all contain a huge variety of compounds known as phytonutrients or phytochemicals.  These compounds are invaluable because they are believed to have anti-mutagenic, antitumor and antioxidant properties. although because they can not be isolated and taken out of context and still retain their properties.   In other words, they are very elusive and can not be studied with the standard approach of scientific laboratory testing.

Fruit is alkalizing.  Most people these days have heard about the importance of eating more of an alkaline diet.  The Ph scale describes the potential Hydrogen and describes how acid or alkaline a substance is to a scale of 14 with 7 being neutral and under 7 being acidic. One of the best ways to keep the body alkaline, which means relaxed physiologically, is to eat as much fruit as we can!

Fruit is hydrating.  Along with being acidic comes a cationic environment where the fluids and cells become coagulated and dehydrated.  Fruit is the perfect food for man with its combination of hydration and electrolytes. The water in fruit is pure and the quality of fruits is astringent which means they pull and cleanse the vessels and whole system. Dehydration is also a way to early aging and loss of vitality so staying hydrated with fruit is one way to stay young and vital.

Fruit is Antioxidant.  The oxidation process is when chemistry or biochemistry gets exposed to oxygen.  In metal this is called rusting and in living cells this is called cellular damage as oxygen is a very powerful transformer of chemical bonds.  Even mainstream nutrition appreciates the raw power of antioxidant foods and they are recommended to be eaten in large quantities. Unfortunately this area is where modern diet is most lacking as most people eat far less fruits and vegetables than would  be ideal.

Fruit is delicious. We are naturally attracted to eating fruit. It is not a coincidence that when a child is offered fruit they always eat it.  When given a choice between fruit and meat the young child will always choose fruit because that is the nature of things. We prefer these foods because when we are young our bodies still possess the intelligence of nature and it shows by our affinity for fruits.

Fruit is colorful  Our eyes are attracted to colors naturally.  Fruit and the spectrum of beautiful colors in fruits are extremely pleasing our aesthetic.  We naturally have an interest in colorful foods because in nature we associate colors with fruits which means high nutrition.  This fact has been used against us all by producers of colorful candies or colored sprinkles on ice cream which all lure our senses and tempt us subconsciously to eat them.

Fruit does not have too much sugar.  One of the most interesting myths I have been hearing over the last many years is the idea that fruit has too much sugar.  This could not be more misinformed. Not all sugars are equal and the sugar found in raw fruit is called fructose. The human body and all of the cells run primarily on fructose so eating too much fruit is basically impossible.  Unlike what these experts seem to be suggesting to the gullible public fructose as found in raw fruits has no resemblance to the processed sugars found in cooked deserts or breads. Fructose found in raw fruits is the ideal fuel for man while cooked processed sugars are possibly one of the most harmful things we can eat even in small quantities.

Fruit was made to be eaten.  Unlike vegetables which have to sacrifice their life when being eaten fruit has not karma associated with eating it.  No living creature is harmed by eating fruit. In fact fruit was literally made to be eaten. From a spiritual perspective there is no more perfect food than fruit.  Fruit is the only food that was made with the specific intention that an animal is attracted to it and eats it that it may spread the seeds of the tree. 

Nervous system regeneration.  There is amongst other epidemics we are seeing in these modern times a large amount of neurological disorders and epilepsies.  One of the most powerful attributes of fruits is their ability to restore normal neurological functioning. In children and adults both the use of the 100% fruit protocol has been shown to reverse and resolve conditions that were only exasperated by pharmaceuticals. 

Fruit is for humans and children should always be given access to fruits throughout the day without having to ask.  Fruits should be washed well and placed on a low table for children to help themselves. We find that when children are able to eat fruits throughout the day they are satisfied and fortified with the natural sugars and the nutrition of fruits and there are few if any cravings for cooked candies or sodas.